Major and Minor

30 semester hours numbered above 2220 are required including ITA 2240, 3420, ITA 3421, at least one 3000-level literature course in Italian (ITW 3100, ITW 3101) and a minimum of twelve semester hours at the 4000-level. A maximum of six semester hours from among the following courses may count toward the thirty-semester-hour requirement: ITT 3114, ITT 3430, ITT 3500, ITT 3501, ITT 3520, ITT 3523r. A minor is required.

Honors in the Major

Students are encouraged to graduate with honors where possible. Requirements include a 3.2 grade point average for entrance into the program, completion of six hours of honors research, and the writing of an honors thesis.

Co-Major in Another Foreign Language

21 semester hours in Italian courses numbered above 1999, selected in consultation with the Italian advisor, plus 21 semester hours above the 1999 level in one of the following divisions: Chinese, French, German, Linguistics, Russian or Spanish. The student should consult with the adviser of the second language to select appropriate courses. One second year course must be used to satisfy the college or university language requirement. A co-major in Italian will not require a minor.

Major in Italian with Business Concentration

A major in Italian with a concentration in business may be selected. The program consists of 21 semester hours beyond the Arts and Sciences language requirement, plus 27 hours of designated courses in the College of Business. The student should consult with an advisor to select courses. No minor is required.

Business Core Courses:
  • ECO 2013 - Economics of the National Economy (Prerequisite - none)
  • ECO 2023 - Economics of the Price System (Prerequisite - none)
  • ACG 2021 - Introduction to Financial Accounting (Prerequisite - none)
  • ACG 2071 - Introduction of Managerial Accounting (Prerequisites - ACG 2021 with grade of C- or more)
  • MAN 3600 - Multinational Business Operations (Prerequisites ECO 2013, ECO 2023)
  • Plus one of the 3 following specialized tracks:
  • FIN 3403 Financial Management of the Firm (Prerequisites - ECO 2023, ACG 2021)
  • FIN 3244 Financial Markets, Institutions, and International Finance (Prerequisites - ECO 2013, ACG 2021)
  • FIN 4604 Multinational Finance Management (Prerequisites - FIN 3403, FIN 3244)
  • Plus one of the following (3 cr): MAN 4605, or MAN 4631, or an advanced Finance course (3000-4000 level)
  • MAR 3023 Basic Marketing Concepts (Prerequisites - ECO 2023, one behavioral science)
  • MAR 4156 Multinational Marketing (Prerequisites - MAR 3023, MAN 3600)
  • Plus two of the following (6 cr): MAN 4605, or MAN 4631, or an advanced marketing course (3000-4000 level)
  • MAN 3240 Organizational Behaviors
  • MAN 4605 Cross-Cultural Management (Prerequisite - MAN 3240)
  • Plus two additional advanced Management courses (3000-4000 level)

Total business component: 27 semester hours

Minor in Italian

12 semester hours in courses numbered above 1999. Credit extended in meeting the foreign language requirement for graduation may not be used in satisfying the minor.

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