Chinese Program at FSU

About the Program

Welcome to the Chinese Program of the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at the Florida State University.

The teaching of Chinese at FSU started in 1962. Since then, the Chinese Program at FSU has grown to be one of the most dynamic centers of Chinese education in Florida. The Chinese Program provides students with a comprehensive range of courses in Chinese language from beginning to advanced levels, as well as courses in modern and premodern Chinese literature, Chinese civilization, Chinese cinema, Chinese linguistics and Chinese-English translation.

The Chinese Program emphasizes the cultivation of cross-cultural awareness and solid understanding of the target-language communities. Students who want to obtain direct and fruitful exposure to the language and culture of contemporary Chinese society have the opportunity to attend FSU’s Summer Program in China organized by the faculty of the Chinese Program, or study abroad through FSU’s partner institutions in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan.

In addition, the Chinese and Japanese Programs of the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics jointly offer an MA degree program in East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC), which enables students to pursue Chinese studies or Japanese studies at the graduate level.


The Chinese Program offers a 30-hour major in Chinese language and culture, a major with a concentration in business, and a co-major in Chinese and Japanese, in addition to a 12-hour Chinese minor.


Students who want to pursue graduate-level Chinese studies are encouraged to apply to the M.A. Program in East Asian Languages and Cultures jointly operated by the Chinese and Japanese Programs. To earn the M.A. degree, students must successfully complete a minimum of 36 semester hours and take a comprehensive exam or complete a significant research project.

Why Study Chinese

It’s spoken by one out of every five people in the world. It's the most-spoken language on the planet. It’s one of the six official languages for the United Nations. It’s the second most-used language on the Internet. It will make your resume much more competitive in the future job market.

It’s the key to a 5000-year-old civilization. At the heart of Chinese civilization are its fascinating and multifaceted cultural traditions, such as gourmet food, literary masterpieces, visual and performing arts, historical sites and modern films.