The Russian and Slavic Program at the Florida State University provides students strong proficiency in Russian, with courses ranging from elementary to advanced Russian, and a thorough grounding in Ukrainian, with elementary and intermediate Ukrainian courses.
The program also offers wide-ranging surveys of the cultures, folklores, and literatures of the Slavic world, from Russia and Ukraine to the Balkans. Culture, folklore, and literature courses are taught in English translation as well as in Russian.
Russian Major
The Russian major offers a well-structured program of Russian language study, bringing you to advanced proficiency—and room for electives in which you can learn about the culture, folklore, and literature of the Russians as well as those of other Slavic peoples.
It requires 30 semester hours numbered above 2220, including RUS 2330, RUS 3400, RUS 3420 and at least 12 semester hours of Russian and Slavic coursework at the 4000-level or above. Majors must complete 12-15 hours for a minor (more if required by minor department). All courses taken to fulfill the 30 hours of major coursework must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C minus or better must be earned in each course applied toward any major or minor degree earned in the department.
Russian Minor
The Russian minor allows you to create your own interdisciplinary program of Russian and Slavic studies, focusing on Russian language, culture courses in English, or anything in between.
12 semester hours in Russian and/or Slavic (RUS, RUT, RUW, and SLL) numbered above 1999 are required for the Russian minor. Credit earned in meeting the foreign language requirement for graduation may not be used in satisfying the minor.
Ukrainian Minor (Coming Soon)
The Ukrainian minor offers an interdisciplinary introduction to Ukrainian culture and language, with several courses exploring Ukraine’s rich folkloric tradition.