About the Program
The Program of Spanish and Portuguese offers B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Spanish. The program's dedicated faculty are specialists in Iberian, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Hispanic linguistics and second language acquisition.
At the undergraduate level, in addition to our core courses on language and literature, we offer a wide variety of specialized courses representing faculty interests (e.g., Amazonia, Caribbean Studies, discourse analysis, gender studies, second language acquisition, phonology, sociolinguistics, syntax and psycholinguistics). Students have the opportunity to study abroad in various Spanish-speaking locations around the world in Costa Rica, Panama or Spain.
The program offers a 30-hour undergraduate degree with options for a concentration in business and as well as a co-major with another language (French, German, Italian or Russian). It also offers a 15-hour Spanish minor and 12-hour minor in Portuguese. As all students receiving a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences must complete a classical or modern foreign language through the intermediate level, the program also has multiple tracks to satisfy general education requirements.
The program offers a Master of Arts in Spanish. Students may choose either a thesis-type program or a course-type program. It also offers a Ph.D. program that normally requires a minimum of 30 hours beyond the M.A. degree. Candidates can choose from concentrations in Iberian and Latin American literatures or Hispanic linguistics.
The State of Florida enjoys a long-standing relationship with the Spanish-speaking world. In 2013, cities throughout the state celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon's arrival in Florida, and 2015 marked the 450th anniversary of the founding of St. Augustine (1565) by Spanish explorer Pedro Menéndez de Avilés. Given that Florida was part of the Spanish Empire (1565-1763 and 1784-1821) longer than it has been part of the United States, and due to its proximity to the Caribbean and Latin America, Florida has maintained important social and economic ties with the Spanish-speaking world for nearly 500 years. Today, almost 25% of Florida's population is of Hispanic origin - that is, one in four Floridians - and the United States Hispanic population has recently reached over 55 million (2014 U.S. Census Bureau). The United States now has the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the world. In addition, the importance of Portuguese in Florida continues to grow given that Brazil is one of the world's largest emerging economies, Florida's leading trading partner in Latin America, and a top overseas market in visitors and investors in the state. Considering Florida's strong past and recent history, Florida State University is an ideal location to study the languages, literatures and customs of Spain, Latin America and the Caribbean.