Deutschland erleben - studieren in Deutschland (Experience Germany - Study in Germany)
The German faculty encourages students of German to study in Germany.
The Center for Global Engagement offers a range of semester- or year-long exchanges with German and Austrian universities. During these exchanges, students will be enrolled in placeholder courses at FSU during the period abroad and pay FSU tuition for the number of credit hours they plan to receive. In other words, the credits that they earn abroad will be transferred to their FSU transcripts according to a rate of currently 1 FSU = 0.67 ECTS (German) credits. While abroad, all financial aid will be applied to the students’ accounts.
If you are interested to apply for the Center for Global Engagement exchanges listed below, please contact A. D. Weber. Office: DIF 316, E-mail:, phone: 850-644-8192
List of German and Austrian exchanges through the Center of Global Engagement:
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
This international exchange is currently available to five graduate or undergraduate students in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics or the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. To participate in this exchange as an undergraduate student, it is advised that you are working toward a minor or major in German. For more information, please visit the Oldenburg University - FSU Exchange Program.
Summer course on German language. At the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg you also have the option to take an 100 hours intensive German summer course taught by experienced and professional teachers who are native speakers. Most work in the classroom will consist of small-group instruction. The course focuses on the standard use of spoken and written German and on features of modern German society. Attention will be paid to developing all four skills: speaking, reading, listening and writing. The course includes excursions.
Students earn 6 American credits that are transferable to their FSU transcripts. Since Oldenburg university is an exchange partner of FSU, students who take this course do not pay tuition in Germany and only have to cover their travel and living expenses for the time of the course and their credits at FSU. Please note that the call for applications (with the exact dates for that year’s course) is usually made in February/March of the course year.
Eligibility. Students at all levels of German study can apply. However, the course is ideal for students at the GER 2220 level. Applications are invited in spring of the summer course academic year.
Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
This international exchange is currently available to ten FSU students in any academic major. We recommend that students apply for one academic year (fall and spring semesters combined) but they can also apply for single semesters. Please visit Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany’s website for more information. Study in the Spring Semester is supported by one Maura Binkley Scholarship per academic year.
Universität Salzburg, Austria
This international exchange is currently available for up to three undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of History or the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics. Students in other majors may apply depending on availability. There is a small additional fee to take German language courses at Salzburg (between 45-120 Euros), but students can take classes in English or regular German classes. For more information, please visit the University of Salzburg - FSU Exchange Program.
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Fachhochschule Oberösterreich)
This university has several campuses across Austria. The international exchange with UASUA is currently available to twelve students in any academic major. It is recommended that students enroll for one academic year (fall and spring semesters combined) or in the spring semester only. Due to the fall semester ending in February, attending UASUA is not recommended in the fall semester for FSU students who wish to return to FSU for the following spring. This university offers a good selection of classes in English, but students can also enroll in regular German classes if they have a B2 level in German (which can be confirmed by a testimonial from a German instructor) and meet prerequisites for the classes. For more information, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria - FSU Exchange Program.
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Germany
This international exchange is currently available to five graduate or undergraduate students in the College of Business. For more information, Ludwig Maximilians University - FSU College of Business Exchange Program.
Verband der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Clubs/ Federation of German-American Clubs e.V.
The Federation of German-American Clubs offers a yearly scholarship to one academically outstanding graduate student of the German program. Selected students enroll at one of the VDAC’s partner universities and enjoy one fully funded year of graduate study in Germany. In exchange, one graduate student from a partner institution studies at Florida State University and teaches German in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics. For more information please contact Christian Weber, Ph.D. For more information on Christian Weber please visit his web page.
“Experiencing Germany,” FSU’s German summer program in Dresden (International Programs)
This program is designed to acquaint participants with the literature, language, and performing arts of contemporary Germany. Based in the beautiful river city of Dresden, students will live for one month on the campus of the Technical University and take excursions to the historically significant cities of Berlin and Weimar and the majestic region of Saxon Switzerland (Sächsische Schweiz). Once a symbol of the war-ravaged East, Dresden has emerged from the Cold War as a center of architectural, musical, and literary importance and provides compelling insights into the German nation and its past, present and future.
Eligibility: This program is open to all interested students. There is no language prerequisite. Courses are taught in English. For more information, please see:
Beyond Borders
This program offers FSU students an alternative to traditional academic study abroad programs by providing short-term, rich learning experiences through immersion in the target areas. Small groups of 10-12 students spend 2-3 weeks after the end of spring semester at the Studentenwerk in Dresden, Germany. In return, students from Dresden visit Florida State University every Spring semester. For more information, please see the Beyond Borders website.
FU Berlin
Students who wish to spend a semester in Germany can enroll in the FU-BEST program offered at the Freie Universität in Berlin. You'll find more information under:
If you are interested in a summer study in Berlin, you can enroll in one of the summer sessions offered by FUBiS , the Freie Universität’s International Summer and Winter University. For more information please contact A. Dana Weber, Ph.D. For more information on A. Dana Weber please visit her web page.
Students interested in improving their language skills (while living in Germany) might wish to take advantage of an intensive summer course organized by the Goethe Institute.
Additional Information:
Students interested in studying abroad may also consider applying for funding and programs available through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, the Humboldt Foundation, as well as the Fulbright program.
For questions and specific details about CBYX, Fulbright, Humboldt, please contact the German faculty. For questions pertaining specifically to the DAAD, please contact A. Dana Weber,