German Undergraduate Programs

The German Program at Florida State University offers a 30-hour major, a concentration in business, a co-major option with another language (Chinese, French, Italian, Linguistics, Russian or Spanish), as well as a 12-hour minor option. Coursework gives students a thorough grounding in the German language with courses ranging from basic German to advanced courses in conversation, composition, grammar and linguistics.

Introductory courses offered by the program can also be taken to satisfy the foreign language requirement for all College of Arts and Sciences degrees. Learn more about the language requirement and placement exams.


The German major requires thirty (30) semester hours numbered above 2999, including GER 3400, 3500. Students need a minimum of six (6) semester hours of skills courses (GER 3310, 3400) and six (6) hours of literature, film and culture courses (GER 3500, 3930). A minimum of nine (9) semester hours must be taken at the 4000-level. A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of the following courses count toward the thirty (30) hour requirement: GET 3130, 3524 and IDS 2467, 33112, 3188.


Twelve (12) semester hours numbered above 1999 are required for the minor. Credit extended in meeting the foreign language requirement for graduation or for any other major may not be used in satisfying the minor.

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